Package 'keyperm'

Title: Keyword Analysis Using Permutation Tests
Description: Fast implementation of permutation tests for keyword analysis in corpus linguistics. The aim is to identify words that are significantly more frequent in one corpus than in another. The method is described in Mildenberger (2023) <arXiv:2308.13383>.
Authors: Thoralf Mildenberger [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Thoralf Mildenberger <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Built: 2025-02-15 03:39:16 UTC

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Combine results of permutation test for keyness


Combine results of two runs of keyperm() with output = "counts", possibly with different subsets of terms.


combine_results(results_1, results_2)



Results from permutation test. Must be of class keyperm_results_counts (obtained by setting output = "counts" in keyperm())


Results from permutation test. Must be of class keyperm_results_counts and have the same scoretype as results_1.


Results of two runs of keyperm() with output = "counts", i.e. objects of type keyperm_results_counts using can be combined using combine_results(). For this to make sense, scoretype needs to be the same in both results, but terms in both objects need not be the same.

There are at least two important uses of the function:

Parallelization: keyperm() is run several times with the same parameters on different cores, using parallel::mclapply() or a similar function.

Screening runs: keyperm() is first run using a small to medium number of permutations, but considering all terms. Terms with p-values clearly exceeding some reasonable significance threshold are then excluded, and keyperm() is run a second time with a (preferably) large number of permutations but using only the remaining terms. The results of both runs can then be combined into one object. The rationale behind this approach is that in many cases small p-values need to be determined with much greater accurary than larger ones far away from significance, especially if a correction for multiple testing is to be applied or the p-values are used for ranking (although they should not...).


An object of class keyperm_results_counts

Create an Indexed Frequency List


The keyperm package stores frequency lists in a special data structure called indexed frequency list. This can currently be created from a tdm object as implemented in the tm package.

Indexed frequency lists are essentially frequency lists stored in a three-column format, similar to the simple triplet matrix internally used by tm to store term-document-matrices. The first column stores number of document i, second number of term j and the third the frequencies with which the term j occurs in document i. Zero occurences are omitted. All columns contain integers, and the frequency list is sorted by document.

The object returned is of class indexed_frequency_list. In addition to the actual frequency list it contains an index for fast access as well as pre-computed total number of tokens per document and total occurences per term.


  subset_terms = 1:dim(tdm)[1],
  subset_docs = 1:dim(tdm)[2],



a tdm-matrix from the tm package. Currently, this is the only supported input, but others may be added in later versions.


vector of terms to be considered. Can be integer (indices) or boolean. Terms not included still are counted for total number of token per document.


vector of documents to be considered. Can be integer (indices) or boolean. Documents excluded do not contribute to total number of occurences of a term.


vector indicating which documents belong to corpus A (first corpus). Can be integer (indices) or boolean. Currently, only comparisons of two corpora are supported.


A list with class indexed_frequency_list containing the following components:

Calculate observed keyness scores


Calculates a vector of observed keyness scores for a given pair of corpora.


keyness_scores(ifl, type = "llr", laplace = 1)



Indexed frequency list as generated by create_ifl().


The type of keyness measure. One of llr, chisq, diff, logratio or ratio. See details.


Parameter of laplace correction. Only relevant for type = "ratio" and type = "logratio". See details.


Keyness scores are calculated for an Indexed frequency list from a given pair of corpora as generated by create_ifl().

Currently, the following types of scores are supported:


The log-likelihood ratio


The Chi-Square-Statistic


Difference of relative frequencies


Binary logarithm of the ratio of the relative frequencies, possibly using a laplace correction to avoid infinite values.


ratio of the relative frequencies, possibly using a laplace correction to avoid infinite values.

llr and chisq are the test-statistics for a two-by-two contingency table.

corpus A corpus B TOTAL
term of interest o11o_{11} o12o_{12} r1r_{1}
other tokens o21o_{21} o22o_{22} r2r_{2}
TOTAL c1c_{1} c2c_{2} N

Both measure deviations from equal proportions but do not indicate the direction. For llr, the correct version using terms for all four fields of the table is used, not the version using only two terms that is sometimes used in corpus linguistics:

llr=2(o11log(o11/e11)+o12log(o12/e12)+o21log(o21/e21)+o22log(o22/e22))llr = -2 * (o11 * log(o11/e11) + o12 * log(o12/e12) + o21 * log(o21/e21) + o22 * log(o22/e22))

where oijlog(oij/eij)=0oij * log(oij/eij) = 0 if oij=0oij = 0.

chisq is the usual Chi-Square statistic for a test of independece / homogeneity:

chisq=(o11e11)2/e11+(o12e12)2/e12+(o21e21)2/e21+(o22e22)2/e22chisq = (o11 - e11)^2/e11 + (o12 - e12)^2/e12 + (o21 - e21)^2/e21 + (o22 - e22)^2/e22

Here, oijoij are the observed counts as given above and eijeij are the correpsonding expected values under an independence / homogeneity assumption.

diff and logratio are measures of the effect size, but using the permutation approach implemented here a p-value can be calculated as well. Both indicate the direction of the effect, and can be used for one- or two-sided tests.

diff=o11/c1o12/c2diff = o11 / c1 - o12 / c2

logratio is based on a ratio of ratios and would be infinite when a term does not occur in either of the two corpora, irrespective of number of occurences in the other corpus. Hence, we use a laplace correction adding a (not neccesarily integer) number kk of ficticious occurences to both corpora:

logratio=log2(((o11+k)/(c1+k))/((o12+k)/(c2+k)))logratio = log2( ((o11 + k) / (c1 + k)) / ((o12 + k) / (c2 + k)) )

where o11o11 and o12o12 are the number of occurences of the term of interest in Corpora A and B and c1c1 and c2c2 are the total numbers of tokens in A and B. Setting kk to zero corresponds to the usual logratio (which may be infinite). kk is given by the laplace argument and defaults to one, meaning one ficticious occurence is added to either corpus. Doing so prevents infinite values but has little effect when the number of occurences is large.

ratio is the same as logratio but omits the logarithm:

ratio=((o11+k)/(c1+k))/((o12+k)/(c2+k))ratio = ((o11 + k) / (c1 + k)) / ((o12 + k) / (c2 + k))

This leads to the same p-values but is faster to compute.


a numerical vector of the scores, one for each term. Terms are stored in the names attribute.

Calculate the permutation distribution for a keyness measure


Calculate the permutation distributions of a given keyness measure for each term by shuffeling the copus labels. Number of documents per corpus is kept constant.


keyperm(ifl, observed, type = "llr", laplace = 1, output = "counts", nperm)



Indexed frequency list as generated by create_ifl().


The vector of observed values of the keyness scores as generarted by keyness_scores()


The type of keyness measure. One of llr, chisq, diff, logratio or ratio. See details.


Parameter of laplace correction. Only relevant for type = "ratio" and type = "logratio". See details.


The type of output. For output = "full" a matrix with all generated scores is returned, for output = "counts" a matrix with three columns counting the number of permutations for which the score is strictly smaller than, equal to or strictly larger than the observed value.


The number of permutations to generate.


While usually keyness scores are judged by reference to a limiting null distribution under a token-by-token-sampling model, this implementation approximates the null distribution under a document-by-document sampling model. The permutation distributions of a given keyness measure for each term is calculated by repeatedly shuffeling the copus labels. Number of documents per corpus is kept constant.

Currently, the following types of scores are supported:


The log-likelihood ratio


The Chi-Square-Statistic


Difference of relative frequencies


Binary logarithm of the ratio of the relative frequencies, possibly using a laplace correction to avoid infinite values.


ratio of the relative frequencies, possibly using a laplace correction to avoid infinite values.

llr and chisq are the test-statistics for a two-by-two contingency table.

corpus A corpus B TOTAL
term of interest o11o_{11} o12o_{12} r1r_{1}
other tokens o21o_{21} o22o_{22} r2r_{2}
TOTAL c1c_{1} c2c_{2} N

Both measure deviations from equal proportions but do not indicate the direction. For llr, the correct version using terms for all four fields of the table is used, not the version using only two terms that is sometimes used in corpus linguistics:

llr=2(o11log(o11/e11)+o12log(o12/e12)+o21log(o21/e21)+o22log(o22/e22))llr = -2 * (o11 * log(o11/e11) + o12 * log(o12/e12) + o21 * log(o21/e21) + o22 * log(o22/e22))

where oijlog(oij/eij)=0oij * log(oij/eij) = 0 if oij=0oij = 0.

chisq is the usual Chi-Square statistic for a test of independece / homogeneity:

chisq=(o11e11)2/e11+(o12e12)2/e12+(o21e21)2/e21+(o22e22)2/e22chisq = (o11 - e11)^2/e11 + (o12 - e12)^2/e12 + (o21 - e21)^2/e21 + (o22 - e22)^2/e22

Both llr and chisq asymptotically follow a Chi-Square-Distribution with 1 degree of freedom if the null hypothesis of equal frequencies in both populations is true and the corpora are drawn iid token-by-token. In contrast, In contrast, the p-values calculated here are obtained based on a document-by-document sampling model, which is arguably more realistic in many cases.

Here, oijoij are the observed counts as given above and eijeij are the correpsonding expected values under an independence / homogeneity assumption.

diff and logratio are measures of the effect size, but using the permutation approach implemented here a p-value can be calculated as well. Both indicate the direction of the effect, and can be used for one- or two-sided tests.

diff=o11/c1o12/c2diff = o11 / c1 - o12 / c2

logratio is based on a ratio of ratios and would be infinite when a term does not occur in either of the two corpora, irrespective of number of occurences in the other corpus. Hence, we use a laplace correction adding a (not neccesarily integer) number kk of ficticious occurences to both corpora:

logratio=log2(((o11+k)/(c1+k))/((o12+k)/(c2+k)))logratio = log2( ((o11 + k) / (c1 + k)) / ((o12 + k) / (c2 + k)) )

where o11o11 and o12o12 are the number of occurences of the term of interest in Corpora A and B and c1c1 and c2c2 are the total numbers of tokens in A and B. Setting kk to zero corresponds to the usual logratio (which may be infinite). kk is given by the laplace argument and defaults to one, meaning one ficticious occurence is added to either corpus. Doing so prevents infinite values but has little effect when the number of occurences is large.

ratio is the same as logratio but omits the logarithm:

ratio=((o11+k)/(c1+k))/((o12+k)/(c2+k))ratio = ((o11 + k) / (c1 + k)) / ((o12 + k) / (c2 + k))

This leads to the same p-values but is faster to compute.


A numeric matrix with number of rows equal to the number of terms. The columns contain either all permutation values of the keyness score (output = "full") or the number of permutations for which the score is strictly smaller than, equal to or strictly larger than the observed value (output = "counts").

Convert results of permutation test for keyness to p-values


Calculate p-values from the results of keyperm() with output = "counts".


p_value(results, alternative = NULL)



results from permutation test. Must be of class keyperm_results_counts (obtained by setting output = "counts" in keyperm())


direction of p-value to calculate, one of "two.sided", "greater", "less". Defaults depend on the scores used. See details.


Valid (slightly conservative) p-values are calculated from an object of class keyperm_results_counts that is obtained by running keyperm() with output = "counts". keyperm_results_counts is a matrix with three columns that contain the counts of generated permutations that resulted in a score strictly less than, equal to and strictly greater that the observed score.

For a one-sided p-value we use

pvaluegreater=(no.greater+no.equal+1)/(no.ofperms+1)pvalue_greater = (no. greater + no. equal + 1)/(no. of perms + 1)


pvalueless=(no.less+no.equal+1)/(no.ofperms+1)pvalue_less = (no. less + no. equal + 1)/(no. of perms + 1)

Adding 1 in both the numerator and denominator amounts to including the observed values. This results in a slightly conservative p-value, but guarantees that the test is valid for any number of random permutations. It also means that never a p-value of zero is returned but the minimum possible p-value is 1/(no.perms+1)1/(no. perms + 1).

The two-sided p-value is calculated by

pvaluetwosided=2min(pvalueless,pvaluegreater)pvalue_twosided = 2 * min(pvalue_less, pvalue_greater)

(values larger than 1 are set to 1).

If alternative is not specified by the user, different defaults are used depending on the scoretype (which is included as an attribute in the keyperm_results_counts object). Since for llr and chisq, large values indicate a great deviation from equal frequencies without indicating the direction, alternative == "greater" is basically the only alternative of interest and is used as a default. For diff and logratio large absolute values indicate a great deviation from equal frequencies, and positive values correspond to higher frequencies in A, negative frequencies correspond to a higher frequency in B. For these scoretypes, the default is alternative = "two.sided". If only "positive" keywords for A with respect to B are desired, use alternative = "less".


a numeric vector of p-values.